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National Unity Day : Paul Biya Presides Colourful Parade National Unity Day

The President of the Republic, Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces oversaw the military and civilian parade that marked the celebration of the 52nd National Day.

It was a bright, fair, happy and joyous day. The May 20 Avenue shone in all its splendour, adorned in the colours of the flag – green, red and yellow, effigy of the head of state as well as beautiful fresh flowers. Indeed, the gods of the land had concerted to give Yaounde a fairer weather than had been the case the previous year.
The various tribunes were filled to capacity with men and women of various ranks and grades, dressed for the occasion and ready to enjoy festivities planned for the day. Present amongst other dignitaries was the President of the Senate Marcel Niat Njifenji, the Speaker of the National Assembly the Rt. Honourable Cavaye Yeguie Djibril, the Prime Minister Chief Dr. Dion Ngute.
In line with the programme, the presidential motorcade pulled up at the ceremonial ground at midday. Clad in a blue suit that gave him the allure of royalty, President Paul Biya alighted from his limousine just in time for the execution of the national anthem. The Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Defence, Joseph Beti Assomo had the singular honour to welcome the Head of state at the ceremonial grounds. After the review of troops, President Paul Biya took his place at the presidential tribune alongside First Lady Chantal Biya, to savour the opening display done by the band of the General Delegation for National Security.
This year, a contingent of the friendly and brotherly army of Equatorial Guinea were the special military guests set the tone and all the marching soldiers put up their best show; the Presidential Guard, the National Gendarmerie, the Army, the BIR, the Air Force, the Marines, the Police, the Customs, the Fire Brigade, to name but these. The motorised march past opened with horses, followed by bikes, cars, buses and tanks of all sizes and shapes. There was also specialised equipment from the marines. The military parade was led by Brigadier General Melingui Nouma Donatien. The civilian marchpast saw the participation of pupils, students and political parties, bearing varying messages in favour of unity and singing patriotic songs. Messages such as “build a prosperous Cameroon in peace, love and harmony, one people, one purpose, a national cause to stand up for” amongst others were printed on banners.
Political parties represented at the National Assembly made a show of force, with the CPDM, stealing the show with droves of colourfully clad men, women and youth hailing the Head of State for the Peace and Unity in Cameroon. Festivities continued at Unity Palace where the President of the Republic and Madam Chantal BIYA hosted over three thousand guests for a state dinner. Another moment during which Cameroonians to shared together in harmony and celebrated the peace and unity of our country.

Claudette CHIN

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