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BABESSI : Section Executive Fetches Voters for 2025

CPDM local party authorities in the Ngoketunjia III section are neither giving in to challenges nor obstacles in their quest to register the maximum number of voters.

This is in preparation of upcoming elections for which have intensified their work on the field, putting in place new and more effective strategies to register the greatest number of potential voters. The section has been prioritizing the safety of all, especially Elecam officials who seem to be the recent targets of haters of Cameroon’s growth and development. CPDM party authorities and the elite in Babessi have thus resorted to “…moving potential voters towards Elecam teams instead of bringing the Elecam teams towards the voters”, David Chindong said.
With a few weeks to go to the close of this year’s revision of voters’ rolls, the section is getting as many people to register as possible. Prior to this registration exercise, the party’s hierarchy deployed teams to the field educated local party authorities on the importance of the upcoming election to the CPDM National President and the party in general. The local party authorities on their part are doing everything to ensure they relay the information. Above all, they desire give the expected results to the party. In the Ngoketunjia III section in Babessi, “We are working with all four fondoms namely Babungo, Bambalang, Baba and Babessi to ensure we fetch all potential voters and make them register and vote for the CPDM”, the section president said. This is a huge and challenging task given the security situation in the area following crisis but not impossible. “There is a general craving on the part of the people to register. They have understood that the challenges we have in our section will be resolved speedily only if we register and vote right”, David Chindong emphasized.
This will also bring life to the locality again. “This is the only way we believe will reignite love and reassure our people that together we can pick up our pieces and forge ahead” Chindong insisted.


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