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BAMENDA : CPDM Fortifies Grassroots for 2025 Victory

Section Presidents, Mayors, and Parliamentarians of the CPDM party in the North West Region have concluded a one-day seminar aimed at reaffirming their roles and obligations to the party.

The gathering held in Bamenda on 8 June 2024 served as a platform for the party to strategize on how to consolidate its overwhelming majority in the region and further suppress minority opposition.
The CPDM holds a dominant position in the North West Region – controlling all elected senatorial seats, 33 of 34 councils, the regional assembly, and all parliamentary seats. Despite this overwhelming majority, the party is resolute to maintain its hegemony and secure future victories. Section presidents, who oversee grassroots affairs of the party, joined forces with elected party officials to refresh their understanding of key functions and address any existing tensions within their ranks.
Building Capacity for Future Victories
Under the coordination of Senator Regina Mundi, representing PM Philemon Yang, Head of the Permanent Regional Delegation of the CPDM for the North West, the seminar fostered open and productive dialogue. Participants received lectures on the role of section presidents before, during, and after elections, the importance of section presidents in upholding party discipline, their relationships with local stakeholders in the electoral process, and the significance of accurate party reporting. Senator Regina Mundi emphasized that “this seminar aims to reinforce the capacity of the section presidents, enabling them to understand their role and anticipate the challenges they may face as they are the ones working on the ground on a daily basis.”
Among the key takeaways from the seminar, it was established that section presidents are the cornerstone of the party at the grassroots level. Their pivotal role contributes to the party’s success in elections and the expansion of its influence. They were urged to consistently project a positive image of the party, support the activities of Mayors, MPs, and appointed officials, and ensure that conflicts are resolved peacefully and in line with the party’s basic texts. Senator Regina Mundi insisted, “the CPDM is a party of law. Everything we do must be in accordance with the basic texts of the party.”
With the ultimate goal of strengthening the capacity of local leadership to secure future electoral victories, party representatives provided valuable insights on establishing positive working relationships with key stakeholders in the electoral process, including the administration, electoral body, security forces, and religious and traditional leaders. These stakeholders play critical roles in the electoral process and their cooperation is essential for victory of the CPDM in the North West.
With general elections scheduled for next year, the seminar has equipped local party leaders with the skills and knowledge necessary to secure future victories. Strategies for effective communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution were emphasized.


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