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Living together in AKONO : Anglophones Preach by Example

Under the banner of an association, anglophones living in Akono are a shining example of harmonious living away from home.

Akono, in the Mefou and Akono sub division of the Centre region is home to Cameroonians from multiple ethnic backgrounds. Here Cameroonians from various ethnic backgrounds have formed associations to better relate with their fellow brothers and sisters. Peter Yango from Ndop in the North west region is the president of the English Youth and Cultural Association Akono. According to him, “We have grouped ourselves here as anglophones under the “Anglophone Association of Akono”. All of us who make up the association are internally displaced (IDP) persons. We escaped from the crisis”, he said. They decided to group themselves under an association to better help one another and also to continue to contribute to the growth of the nation. According to Peter Leya Yango, “we carry out different activities here to support ourselves and families. These range from farming, to petit businesses. It is not easy to be away from homeland in that you get to start life from scratch but it is safer because you are sure of your security and so you go out every day with courage”, he said.
National integration is the Head of State’s idea. Paul Biya has maintained that everywhere in Cameroon should be home for any Cameroonian. This is being implemented all over the entire national territory. For the specific case of Akono, the president of the Anglophones Association was very appreciative of the receptiveness of the natives of Akono, most especially the divisional Officer Biyele Lessouga Celine whom he acknowledged as being of tremendous help to them. National integration as a political ideology in Cameroon, was conceived to go beyond an “awareness of a common identity amongst Cameroonians to an actual manifestation of a national community life that is conscious of, respects and preserves the supreme-ness of the state. The respect and tolerance of other ethnic groups as well as the promotion of inter- ethnic marriages in a bid to encourage peace and stability notwithstanding.


Peter Leya Yango, President of Association
“We are Cameroonians and Proud”

As an anglophone living in Akono, I am living well. Yes, I have had to start life afresh since I and my family escaped from the crisis; but we are grateful to God and to President Biya who offered us this opportunity. This is our country and we stand with Paul Biya for Cameroon’s Peace and unity all the way.


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