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Native Region Thanks Biya, Promises Full-Time Support

Members of the CPDM party – North West Region, have thanked President Paul Biya, for using his diplomatic wit to have Yang Philemon, elected President of the UN General Assembly.

The Head of the Central Committee CPDM North West Permanent Regional Delegation, and Cameroon’s longest serving (former) Prime Minister Yang Philemon was elected last Thursday June 6 as the President of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly. Work kicks off for the President-elect Yang on September 10 when the general assembly begins meeting. Debates kick in on 24 September 2024. The news of his election during a session of the UN in New York, U.S.A was welcomed by Cameroonians, including Yang’s CPDM comrades. In Bamenda, headquarters of the North West region for a party seminar, his comrades took the opportunity to issue a statement. Wherein, the militants of the ruling party clearly said the diplomatic clairvoyance of President Paul Biya, cum National President of the CPDM was behind the election of Yang Philemon.
This savvy once more demonstrated by President Biya convinced the militants to again pledge round-the-clock support to the President, who, according to the bylaws of the party is the natural candidate for Presidential Elections, which are due in 2025. “Today, 6 June 2024, in Bamenda, we, militants and sympathizers of the CPDM in the North West Region, heartily express our appreciation and deep-rooted gratitude to the President of the Republic for the glaring presidential favour generously demonstrated to the people of the North West Region in the choice of their own illustrations son, His Excellency Philemon Yang,” the statement of the CPDM North West said. Adding that: “In the face of this exceptional presidential love and special favour for the North West Region, manifested at the international space, militants and sympathizers of the CPDM, hereby promise to always, in total loyalty to the laws of our Fatherland, accompany the Head of State, in all his efforts and ambitions”. The election of the North West political leader and exemplary statesman, Yang Philemon comes with prestige for the region, and Cameroon as a whole.
Added to the statement, the NW party political family of Yang also lettered a congratulatory message to the President-elect, which L’Action has seen a copy. The message signed by Senator Regina Mundi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPDM congratulated Yang, for his election. “Your Excellency, in the light of this prominent and outstanding victory in global diplomacy and world affairs, militants of the CPDM in the North West Region hereby extend their warmest congratulations on that momentous victory that projects you into the central stage of international concerns,” the message said. The CPDM members are sure that his qualities of “tested leadership acumen, honesty and diligence” will help him in his new office, with God on his side. “We pray the Almighty God to fully equip you for the arduous assignment and may He grant you divine favours, good health, long life and resounding success during your tenure,” his comrades added.


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