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NWA : Section Out for Potential Voters

With just two months to the close of voter registration, local authorities of the CPDM in the Ndonga Mantung V Section are reaching out for the greatest number of potential voters.

They have been combing nooks and crannies, with emphasis on social gathering spots to fish out, sensitize and encourage militants and sympathizers especially those who have never been registered. They have continued to call on them to register so as to vote for the CPDM which is the hope of the section come 2025. According to Francis Mungusi Nkushuap, Section president; “the response from the field and from all the meetings we have had so far is promising. There are little challenges like the lack of identity cards and birth certificates for some eligible voters”, he said. To salvage the situation, some local authorities in the section support militants. The specific case of Abdoulaye Labaram; an elite from Sabongari and a militant of the CPDM who offered to establish 50 birth certificates and identity cards to some militants who hadn’t these documents. The proximity of the section president to presidents of subsections, branches and Cells, is an added advantage that avails him the possibility to get first-hand information about the functioning of these organs.
As early as January 2024, the section organized a meeting in Likop. “we invited the general public to sensitize them on the necessity to register. On the spot in Likop that day, we registered thirty (30) voters”, Mungusi said. As to how the section relates with Elecam, the section president said “We work hand in glove with Elecam. Each time we have a public manifestation, they come and carry out registration”, he revealed.
With the registration period fast running out, the local authorities are working hard to ensure that no eligible voter stays unregistered. We have put in place a deliberate strategy to register many voters who will vote for the CPDM when the time comes. The CPDM is the lone party that can restore our ruins and make lives beautiful again.
Still as part of preparatory work in the section Mungusi said “in the later part of 2023, we had three sub section conferences and a section conference which recorded a massive attendance. The results were forwarded to the Permanent Divisional Delegation of the CPDM in Nwa. Our section is doing well to say the least”.
He also revealed that “militants of the party have repeatedly recommitted themselves to the CPDM”. He believes that at the appointed time, they will give a unilateral and an overwhelming vote in favour of the CPDM candidate.


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