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To Bolster Voter Registration : Kupe Muanenguba Elite Fund Acquisition of IDs

The lack of identity cards by many villagers is to blame for the slowdown in voter registration in Kupe Muanenguba, a situation the CPDM Section executive seeks to remedy while there is time.

The revision of voters’ rolls done by Elecam each year from the month of January ends in August. Militants of the CPDM in Kupe Munanenguba are intent on making hay while it shines, reason the executive of the CPDM Section in the area under the leadership of their president Mbulle Valentine met in an enlarged meeting in May, to evaluate the road covered this far and redefine their course of action. In attendance were members of the executive of the three wings of the Party from the 46 Subsections that make up Kupe Muanenguba III Section, the Mayor, Councilors and sympathisers. Prof. Elvis Ngolle Ngolle, Head of the Permanent Divisional Delegation of the Central Committee, was represented.
Having ascertained that the figures on voters’ registers were not satisfactory, it was pinpointed that the lack of identity cards was to blame for the slow registration process. The decision to facilitate the acquisition of this important document was arrived at and financial contributions towards the initiative was opened by Minister Elung Paul Che, and which galvanized other elite to follow suit. Attendees to the meeting were unanimous that it was imperative to galvanise the population especially CPDM militants in the Subsections, Branches and Cells through continuous sensitization in a bid to meet the set target. The Section president acknowledged that this would require huge human and financial resources and thus called on militants to make the sacrifice for the success of the exercise. “If you are not loyal to the party, not contributing or attending meetings, you are digging a pit into which you will fall”, Mbulle Valentine stressed.
Further discussions dwelled on consolidating democracy within the CPDM Kupe Muanenguba III Section family, ahead of elections slated for 2025. The Section president frowned at militants who are boycotting meetings and not fulfilling their financial obligations contributions. Mbulle Valentine described it as “shooting themselves in the leg” because they would be the ones on the losing end. While encouraging all and sundry to take the affairs of the party seriously, work in unity and peace, the Section president reiterated that all actions had to be geared towards making Tombel great again.

Claudette CHIN

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