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Ensuring Social, Political Stability : Atanga Nji Strikes Eventual Disruptors

The Minister of Territorial Administration, MINAT, Paul Atanga Nji, has said authorities would ensure law and order reigns across Cameroon.

He was speaking at the opening of the first semester conference of governors. The two-day confab held under the theme: “Administrative authorities and the maintenance of law and other in pre-electoral periods“. The MINAT boss was grumpy about the rising road accidents, unauthorised political activities and profanities thrown at the Head of State, Paul Biya. He said outlaws will meet the force of the law. According to Atanga Nji, the Head of State, Paul Biya, has made Cameroon enviable, and nobody, irrespective of rank, will be allowed to ruin his edifice.
The MINAT boss was vehement that “no political activity shall be carried out nationwide without the clearance from administrative authorities”. The warning of the minister falls within the context of the 2025 election year, and the steady build up that is gathering steam. He took a swing at “unscrupulous politicians…preaching violence, acts of vandalism, and hate speech”.
President Biya Deserves Respect !
Next on the Minister‘s radar are those profaning the Head of State, Paul Biya, who according to Minister Atanga Nji said, offered democracy to Cameroonians. As he cautioned against abuse. “Biya has worked to build our country on a solid foundation, where we enjoy peace, national unity and the spirit of living together, in spite of our differences,” he said. But, according to Atanga Nji “unscrupulous politicians“ disregard Paul Biya with their choice of words. “Henceforth, such utterances shall not be tolerated,” he warned as he touted Biya’s weight. “In Africa, he is respected as an intelligent, experienced and wiseman…so no room will be given to soothsayers and preachers of doom, who think they master Cameroon better than President Biya”.
Down the line, the Minister warned those nursing plans to disrupt the elections with the aid of the media. He warned the media against providing the platform for guests to spew hate speech especially on debate programs.
On the upshoot of accidents, he asked his collaborators to watch out for drivers of trucks transporting timber, sand and gravel, and other goods – noted for over speeding, blind-spot overtaking and drunk-driving. He said with the growing number of accidents, administrative authorities “will be obliged to issue orders as they did in 2007, to restrict the use of heavy-duty vehicles on certain roads”. Turning to commercial bikers, he said “certain crimes such as the sale of drugs, trafficking in arms and ammunition, assaults and armed robbery…” have been attributed to members of this transport corps. He promised to step up engagements with commercial bike riders’ unions nationwide, to address the situation. He hinted on a possible ban in some parts of the country.


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