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Onslaughts on Peace Architects : Nkambe Fires Back!

Locals and residents of Nkambe Central Subdivision, Donga Mantung Division of the North West region, have strongly condemned “sponsored malicious accusations and blackmail” against peace and national unity crusaders of the area.

In September 7, 2024, Barrister Amungwa Tanyi Nicodemus, accused the CPDM Member of Parliament for Nkambe Central Hon Ngala Gerard and the Mayor of the town Shey Nfor Musa of acts of terrorism, arms trafficking, among other serious crimes. He said he had petitioned the Speaker of the National Assembly Cavaye Yeguie Djibril to lift the immunity of Hon Ngala Gerard so that he can stand trial. The locals have linked Barrister Amungwa Tanyi Nicodemus to the armed secessionist movement. He “is the lead lawyer of the secessionist group of Ayuk Tabe Sissiku,” they said in the memo handed to the President Biya›s ‹representative›, the Senior Divisional Officer, SDO, of Donga Mantung, Bassiliken Georges Magloire Emmanuel.
Community leaders, and the population of Nkambe have identified “unpatriotic self-centered civil servants, persons within the forces of law and order and the judiciary in Nkambe,” to be the drummers to whose rhythm the lawyer is dancing. Beyond the strong words, the residents of Nkambe staged a peaceful protest across the town. With peace plants and placards bearing various messages, the protesters denounced the avalanche of unjustified attacks on leaders such as the Head of the CPDM Central Committee Permanent Divisional Delegation for Donga Mantung division, and former minister Shey Jones Yembe, Hon Ngala Gerard and Mayor Shey Nfor Musa. The trio, according to the protesters have fought hard – at a price to make Nkambe an oasis of peace in the two restive Anglophone regions.
Suffered Damages
“They [Shey Jones, Mayor and MP] have now become special targets of secessionists and other forces of destruction,» the memo read. The locals said Ngala’s family house and heavy civil engineering machines, worth hundreds of millions were burnt down in Tabenken by secessionists. «His mother was kidnapped and we cannot count the number of times they [armed terrorists] attempted killing him,» they said. As for the mayor, his sister was also «kidnapped and tortured to the extent that she died».
Solidly behind Biya
In the memo, the people of Nkambe, a bastion of the CPDM Party said they stand with President Biya. “Reaffirmation of our unflinching support, patriotism and loyalty to your leadership and the State institutions you [President Biya] incarnate,” was the title of the strong-worded memo.


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