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Ngoketunjia : Resolutely Behind Paul Biya

Militants of the CPDM in Ngoketunjia have renewed their commitment to the CPDM, with a promise to step up efforts so as to give the CPDM candidate an overwhelming majority in upcoming elections.

They unanimously took this decision at the Ndop community hall March 24 during celebration to mark 40 years of the CPDM. Presided at by the Ntoh Daniel, section president in the presence of Hon Njingum Musa Mbutoh; Member of parliament for Ngoketunjia North constituency. They agreed that everyone must put hands on deck to ensure that Ngoketunjia’s impact in the upcoming election be felt. According to the Hon. Njingum, “this will hasten the return of permanent peace, paving the way for development in our area”, he said.

Ngoketunjia has suffered lots of set backs due to the crisis and this has slowed down development. The division is in dire need to bounce back, and Hon. Njingum opined that “the solution lies with the CPDM candidate for 2025”. He has thus called on militants, old and young, great and small to be determined in their quest for the return of permanent peace. “We must ensure that the CPDM in Ngoketunjia becomes even more stronger. Let’s join forces in this crucial year 2025and in the forthcoming Presidential election to ensure that the CPDM candidate gets an unprecedented and overwhelming success in Ngoketunjia”, Hon. Njingum emphasized.

He has called on the militants to contribute valuably their own quota by taking advantage of the last remaining months before elections in October to register on the voter’s lists. This he said is a preparatory step to vote for the same in due time. “Our success in this election will bring Ngoketunjia to the lime light” the MP insisted.

In 40 years, the party has achieved so much in Ngoketunjia. It will be wrong to say that such a long journey has been without challenges. “We must be bold to acknowledge it, for in effect; there have been numerous challenges which even the National President and Head of State will not deny” Njingum revealed. The way to conquer is for all militants and eligible voters to register on the electoral lists now. This is the first step. After this phase, they will be required to vote for the CPDM, hence opening the door for their expectations to be met.

It was a highly attended event that brought together local, traditional, religious and political authorities under one thinking cap.

The event was also marked by lots of cultural displays. It ended with the reading of a motion of support to the National President of the CPDM Paul Biya.


Hon. Njingum Musa

“Now is the Time to Wake up to our Civic Responsibilities”.

Ngoketunjia people, a peace-loving people have in the last few years been forced to eat the bitter bread of violence served by separatists. They have suffered several mishaps due to insecurity for no just cause.  The time has come for all of these to stop. 2025 is an electoral year and the outstretch arm of the CPDM is here. Every militant of the CPDM in Ngoketunjia has been called to get themselves registered on the electoral lists. Their registration is a sign of their commitment and a guarantee that they will vote for the CPDM in due time. This is the only way to right the wrongs. Registration is a strong wakeup call for all.

Irene Aweneg, with field reports.

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