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SEVEN YEARS AFTER : Francis Enwe Receives Hero’s Welcome

Militants of the CPDM, sympathizers and the population of the Momo West Con- stituency in Widikum came out massively on October 12, 2024 to receive their son, reassuring the CPDM of their readiness for 2025.

It was with great relief that Francis Enwe re- united with home after seven years. His convoy, arriving at around 1 p.m., was greeted with jubilation by motorcycle riders carrying placards with messages like «Welcome home, Daddy Enwe Francis Abi, and the man in whom our hopes lie.» As Senator Enwe stepped out of his ve- hicle, he knelt down and kissed the soil of his home- land, tears of joy flowing down his cheeks. The emotional scene marked a power- ful reconnection with his roots, the land of his ances- tors, militants of the CPDM and the entire population that had stood by him all the way.

The event took place at the Widikum Catholic school grandstand, where Senator Enwe delivered an impas- sioned address, calling for unity, peace, and national progress. Inspired by the senator’s message of hope and inclusion, three former separatist fighters emerged from the crowd on the first day in an extraordinary display of courage choosing to aban- don their rebel past. His second day of homecoming took place in his native vil- lage of Bifang. Another day marked by emotional reunions, powerful gestures of forgiveness, and a call for peace in a region scarred by conflict. Here four more former separatists’ fighters surrendered themselves in, making a total of seven.

Upon his arrival in Bifang at 10 a.m., he went to pay hom- age at his late father’s grave first. With tears in his eyes, Enwe knelt at the gravesite and whispered, “Papa, I am back. I didn’t abandon you,” a poignant moment that moved many in the crowd, reflecting the deep sense of loss and longing he carried during his years of absence.

The entire sub-division had mobilized, with schoolchild- ren, market women, and elders to welcome their hero. The Senator’s convoy made its way through the streets, accompanied at every stop by the multitude of CPDM sup- porters who brandished the Cameroon national flag, effi- gies of their national presi- dent Paul Biya and chanted songs of victory. All of these and more have rekindled hope and reconciliation in the constituency reassuring the people of the CPDM party’s desire to continue to build an ever strong and thriving Cameroon for all


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