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NDOP : YCPDM Ingathers Voters

The Youths of the Ngoketunjia I section of the CPDM in Ndop are working harder to hit the section’s target of registering the greatest number of eligible voters before August.

They are being constantly reminded that it is a right and duty of every Cameroonian citizen who has reached age 20 to the council, register and to vote when the time comes. Together with their local party authorities, the youths who have already registered are helping to fish out their peers who are yet to do so. On the instructions of Pius Mingo YCPDM section president, “No youth of voting age should neglect this registration phase because if they don’t register now; they will not be able to vote. Time is fast running out with the exercise rounding off in August, so all must sit up”; he said. Mingo has continued to educate his youth to “to approach their peers with love, giving them the right reasons why they must not despise the registration exercise as suggested by the evil whispering of a few unpatriotic persons”; he pleaded.
The crisis in the region has served a bitter lesson to these youths leaving some of them confused. However, the greatest enemy of these youths remains fear resulting from threats by separatists. According to Mingo “Most who relocated to other towns when the situation was very tough are regaining homeland. With the gradual return of calm in the section, they are starting life afresh reason why they must make the right decisions. We have been cautioning them that despite all what they have suffered, they are still the ones to choose their leaders so registration on the voter’s lists should not be an option if they plan to successfully pick up their pieces and bounce back”, he insisted.
Enemies of Cameroon want to use this situation as an opportunity to dissuade the youths from registering, but the local party authorities are not letting that happen. “We are out on all fronts, reminding our youth that this crisis will go but Cameroon will stay. As such we must to lmiss this opportunity to register and vote our choice leaders into office”, Mingo emphasized.
Every Cameroonian youth, enjoying their civil rights without distinction of sex, age (20) and residing in the municipality since at least six months is concerned with the exercise.


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