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The Secretary-General of the Central CommitteeTo
– The WCPDM National President;
– The YCPDM National President;
– Presidents and Members of the Committees on the Renewal of the Executives of Basic Organs ;
– All party militants.

This memo, issued pursuant to the provisions of the National President’s Circular No. 1/RDPC/PN of 27 July 2015 relating to the renewal of CPDM Basic Organ Executives and its specialized organizations, lays down conditions for the conduct of the above-mentioned operations nationwide and abroad between 1 August and 10 December 2015.
 I- OBJECTIVES OF THE RENEWAL OF THE EXECUTIVES OF BASIC ORGAN It should be noted that, pursuant to the provisions of the above Circular, the Renewal of the Executives of the Party’s Basic Organs has three main objectives:provide the CPDM and its Specialized Organizations with local officials who have new and innovative energy to enhance the modernization of the Party’s functioning and maximize its performance;place at the head of Basic Organs faithful and loyal men, women and youths of conviction selflessly committed to the service of the Party in the interest of the Nation;contribute to consolidating democracy within the Party.To attain those objectives in line with the fresh impetus given the Party by the Third Ordinary Congress, the teams in charge of conducting the renewal operations in the field should demonstrate a high sense of responsibility through strict compliance with the provisions of the National President’s circular and this Implementation Memo which they must fully master in order to avoid inappropriate and/or wrong interpretation. The success of these internal elections which mark a new beginning in the improvement, modernization and democratization of the functioning of CPDM will primarily depend on the quality of the work of the designated Committees at the Party’s headquarters and in the field, which should be done with good political collaboration and in the supreme interest of the Party. Consequently, party officials and members of the said Committees should always remember to preserve the Constitution of the CPDM, the first republican and reference party on the national political scene, which must be exemplary under any circumstance.In any case, the renewal of the executives of the basic organs must contribute to establishing teams comprising men and women with shared ambitions and action for an efficient management of the Party, on the one hand, and remobilizing the militant base around shared objectives in mutual understanding and serenity, on the other hand.   
II- ELECTORAL BODIESThe missions assigned to the electoral bodies are: A- CENTRAL SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE (CSC)It shall ensure the general supervision of the operations for the renewal of the Executives of the Party’s Basic Organs within the country and abroad. In this regard, it shall:take any necessary measures for the smooth conduct of the electoral operations;settle, in the last instance, disputes relating to the election of Section executives,draft the final report of the renewal operations which the Secretary-General will forward to the National President. 
B- REGIONAL FOLLOW-UP COMMITTEE (RFC)It shall ensure the proper conduct of operations for the renewal of the Executives of the Party’s Basic Organs at the regional level. In this regard, it shall be responsible for:supervising the activities of Divisional Coordination Committees; centralizing the election results of the region and forwarding them to the Central Supervisory Committee;settle, with possibility of appeal, disputes relating to the election of Section Executives and disputes relating to the election of Sub-section Executives in the last instance.
C- DIVISIONAL COORDINATION COMMITTEE (DCC)It shall ensure the smooth conduct of operations for the renewal of the Executives of Basic Organs at the divisional level. In this regard, it shall be responsible for:supervising the election of Section Executives;validating the directory of Sub-sections,validating the list of candidates for the election of Section Executives in conjunction with the Regional Follow-up Committee;validating the list of candidates for the election of Section Executives in conjunction with the Regional Follow-up Committee;centralizing the election results of the division and forwarding them to the Regional Follow-up Committee; settling, with possibility of appeal, disputes relating to the election of Sub-section Executives and disputes relating to the election of Branch Executives in the last instance. 
D- SECTION ELECTORAL COMMITTEE (SEC)It shall ensure the proper conduct of operations for the renewal of the Executives of Basic Organs at the level of the Section. In this regard, it shall be responsible for:supervising the election of Sub-section Executives;validating the directory of Branch Committees, validating the list of candidates for the election of Sub-section Executives in conjunction with the Divisional Coordination Committee;validating the list of candidates for the election of Sub-section Executives in conjunction with the Section Electoral Committee;centralizing the election results of the Section and forwarding them to the Divisional Coordination Committee;settling, with possibility of appeal, disputes relating to the election of Branch Executives and disputes relating to the election of Cell Executives in the last instance. E- LOCAL RENEWAL COMMITTEE (LRC)It shall conduct operations for the renewal of the Executives of Cells and Branches. In this regard, it shall be responsible for:establishing voter rolls and polling stations in Cells in collaboration with the Section Electoral Committee;validating the directory of Cells;validating the list of candidates for the election of Cell and Branch Executives in conjunction with the Section Electoral Committee;publishing the election results of Cell and Branch Executives in conjunction with the Section Electoral Committee;centralizing election results of Cell and Branch Executives and forwarding them to the Section Electoral Committee; settling, with possibility of appeal,  disputes relating to the election of Cell Executives. F- EXTERNAL RENEWAL COMMITTEE (ERC)It shall conduct renewal operations of Cell, Sub-section and Section Executives abroad. In this regard, it shall be responsible for: validating the political directory of Sections; establishing voter rolls and polling stations;proclaiming and publishing election results;settling electoral disputes in the last instance, except electoral disputes relating to the election of Section Executives which is the preserve of the Central Supervisory Committee in the last instance.  III- PRE-ELECTORAL    OPERATIONSPrior to elections proper, the political directory must be validated and voter rolls established. A- VALIDATION OF THE POLITICAL DIRECTORY Pursuant to the relevant statutory provisions of the Party’s basic instruments, each Section shall comprise Cells, Branches and Sub-sections. However, Party Sections abroad shall not have branch committees.The composition of basic organs shall be as follows:Cells shall be established at the level of the village, neighbourhood, part of a neighbourhood or hamlet. In principle, the number of members of a celle shall be between 20 and 50;Branches shall comprise several Cells. A Branch area of jurisdiction shall cover a neighbourhood in urban areas, a village, a township, a grouping in a rural area;Sub-sections shall comprise several Branches. In principle, the area of jurisdiction of a Sub-section shall cover a neighbourhood or part of a neighbourhood, a grouping or part of a grouping. the Section shall comprise several Sub-sections. In principle, its area of jurisdiction shall cover a Sub-division.The validation of the political directory shall start from Cells. It shall take into account local factors (such as distance and political diversity) and shall culminate in the suppression of fictitious basic organs. The territorial boundary of each basic organ shall be clearly defined.   B- ESTABLISHMENT OF VOTER ROLLSVoter rolls at the level of the Cell shall be established by Organ, based on the updated register of militants constituted during the Special Operation for the Sale of Party Cards. Registration on a voter roll shall be done upon presentation of membership and contribution cards.Only membership and contribution cards signed by Branch Presidents and Treasurers shall be valid pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Party’s Constitution.  Registration of voters shall close latest 4 (four) days before the election.Nobody shall register in more than one voter roll.Voter rolls shall be posted up in polling stations latest two days before the election.IV- ELECTORAL OPERATIONSElectoral operations shall be conducted in accordance with the general and special rules set forth in Basic Texts and the National President’s Circular and in all fairness.ELECTORAL COLLEGESA1- WITHIN THE COUNTRYElectoral colleges shall be constituted in each basic organ by militants who are up-to-date in the payment of their subscription fees in accordance with the provisions of Articles 15, 20, 26 and 32 of the By-laws. Therefore:YCPDM militants (35 years old at most) who are up-to-date in the payment of their subscription fees shall elect the executives of YCPDM basic organs;WCPDM who are up to date in the payment of their subscription fees shall elect the executives of WCPDM basic organs;YCPDM, WCPDM and CPDM militants who are up to date in the payment of their subscription fees shall elect the executives of CPDM basic organs;A2- ABROADIn accordance with the provisions of the National President’s Circular relating to the adaptation of conditions for organizing the renewal of the executives of basic organs abroad issued in pursuance of Article 27 (1) of the Party’s Constitution, electoral colleges shall be established as follows: In old Sections:At the level of the cell, the General Assembly of Cell members; At the level of the Sub-section, the out-going Sub-section Executives and the Executives of the Cells falling under the jurisdiction of the Sub-section;At the level of the Section, the out-going Section executives and the elected executives of the Sub-sections falling under the jurisdiction of the Section;In newly created sections:At the level of the cell, the General Assembly of Cell members; At the level of the Sub-section, executives of Cells falling within the jurisdiction of the Sub-section;At the level of the Section, executives of Sub-sections falling within the jurisdiction of the Section.B- VOTER AND ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONSConditions to be a Voter Three conditions must be met to be a voter during operations for the Renewal of Party Basic Organs: be a member of the CPDM or of its Specialized organizations; be up-to-date with your contributions;be registered on the party’s voter list.Voters registered on YCPDM lists shall elect the YCPDM Basic Organ Executives;Voters registered on WCPDM lists shall elect the WCPDM Basic Organ Executives; All voters registered on YCPDM, WCPDM and CPDM lists shall elect the CPDM Basic Organ Executives;Militants under a disciplinary sanction, notably those pronounced by the Ad hoc Disciplinary Committee of the Central Committee responsible for cases of indiscipline noted during the 30 September 2013 legislative and council elections shall not be eligible to vote.2- Eligibility conditionsThe general eligibility conditions for candidates to various offices within the basic organs provided for in the National President’s Circular are as follows:Residence: dwelling located on the territory of the Basic Organ in accordance with the address declared by the candidate, where he lives or stays regularly; active or constant contribution to the party’s existence and local development;sound knowledge of the local environment.Seniority and experience: proven practice of political activity within the Party confirmed by the date of admission.Efficiency and competence: well-known contribution to the development of the Party, its influence and promotion of its ideals; proven persuasive, mobilization and rallying ability.  Commitment and militancy: sound knowledge of the Party and its functioning at the local level and, as appropriate, at the national level; active role in regular Party activities, defence and illustration of its options and ideals;unfailing loyalty to the National President and constant support to Government action.Sense of civic responsibility and patriotism: exemplary behaviour in the promotion of citizenship values, notably: peace, unity, stability, safeguard of institutions.Morals and discipline:respect for Party Texts and discipline; high sense of public good and general interest; non-involvement in activities likely to tarnish the image of the Party. In addition to the abovementioned general criteria, candidates for the office of YCPDM, WCPDM and CPDM Section President must have held the position of member of Section Executive or Sub-section President, Vice-president, Secretary or Treasurer in the Basic Organ concerned. Substantive or alternate members of the Central Committee of CPDM, WCPDM and YCPDM National Executives, Substantive Senators and Members of the National Assembly, Mayors, as well as militants of newly created Sections abroad shall be exempted from the above conditions.Cameroonians who are CPDM militants working in diplomatic and consular missions, enjoying the status of diplomats or related positions shall not be candidate for positions in Basic Organ Executives.A candidate for an office within a basic organ executive shall be disqualified where such candidate has been sanctioned for indiscipline, irrespective of its nature, during the current term of office of the Basic Organ Executives.3- Candidature fileThe candidature file shall comprise the following documents:an individual application form completed, dated and signed by the candidate and the Comrade list leader;a sworn statement;a collective form comprising the names and signatures of candidates for the various offices of the executive concerned;Party membership and up-to-date subscription fee payment; supporting documents of responsibilities previously held within the Basic Organ for candidates for the position of Section President.Any false declaration shall lead to the immediate disqualification of the candidature.C- LISTS OF CANDIDATESLists of candidates shall be drawn up in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Basic Texts relating to the composition of each Basic Organ. However, the executives of Basic Organs abroad do not comprise the position of “Specialized Organizations Officer”.The lists of candidates shall be examined and selected by the relevant committees taking into account the requirements for their establishment and candidate eligibility criteria as laid down in the National President’s Circular.Lists of candidates shall be submitted latest 7 (seven) days before the election. No list shall be received after this deadline.The committees shall scrutinize submitted lists within 3 (three) days. They shall make their observations within 48 (forty-eight) hours after receipt of lists. The disqualified list leader shall make the required modification within 24 (twenty-four) hours. Regarding the election of Section executives, candidates for the position of President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer shall be interviewed individually in the presence of a duly designated representative of the Divisional Coordination Committee.The final lists of candidates shall be published 2 (two) days before the election.D- ELECTION CAMPAIGNThe election campaign shall be organized in each basic organ according to the calendar prepared by the Section Electoral Committee in conjunction with local renewal committees and candidate list leaders as follows:election of Cell Executives: 1 (one) day of campaign; election of Branch Committee Executives: 2 (two) days of campaign;election of Sub-section Executives: 3 (three) days of campaign;election of Section Executives: 4 (four) days of campaign;The election campaign calendar shall specify the venues and time of meetings.The election campaign shall be organized around the following action proposals: rallying around Party ideals;winning over new militants;Party image promotion and enhancement;promotion of respect for Party discipline;preservation of peace and national unity;defence of the Institutions of the Republic; local development; contribution to combating unemployment and promotion of youth employment; gender mainstreaming;reduction of the influence of opposition parties. The following shall not be tolerated:insults, denigration, attacks on persons;display of wealth and money;posters and gadgets of any type;electioneering and making of extravagant promises;manipulation and misinformation.The abovementioned prohibited acts shall expose their perpetrators to sanctions that may lead to the disqualification of the candidate or candidate’s list.E- CONDUCT OF THE ELECTION Election calendarIn each Section within the country,: The Section Electoral Committee shall draw up the election calendar in conjunction with the Local Renewal Committee, as regards the election of Cell Executives, Branch Executives and Sub-section Executives.The Divisional Coordination Committee shall draw up the calendar of elections of Section Executives, on the proposal of the Section Electoral Committee.Abroad, the External Renewal Committee shall draw up the election calendar for each Section.
Polling stationsPolling stations shall be established at the headquarters of:the Cell, for the election of the Cell Executives concerned;the Branch, for the election of the Branch Executives concerned;the Sub-section, for the election of the Sub-section Executives concerned; the Section, for the election of Section Executives concerned.Each polling station shall have the following:final CPDM, WCPDM and YCPDM voter rolls;three (3) ballot boxes assigned to the CPDM, WCPDM and YCPDM;enough ballot papers and envelopes.Each polling station shall comprise the following members designated by the relevant renewal bodies:a President ; two assessors.Voting shall be done upon presentation of the National Identity Card, membership card and contribution card. In the absence of the National Identity Card, the voter may be identified by two militants of the same basic organ who are up-to-date with the payment of their subscription fees. Voting shall be by single round secret ballot. The competing lists shall each designate their representative as observer in each polling station. No person shall be chair of a polling station in the Basic Organ to which he/she belongs.
F- VOTE COUNTING AND PROCLAMATION OF RESULTSAfter each poll, vote counting shall be public and in the presence of representatives of the lists of competing candidates.In Cells, results shall be proclaimed in each polling station by Polling Station Chairperson, at the end of vote counting, after election reports have been signed by members of the polling station. In Branches, results shall be proclaimed in each polling station by Polling Station Chairpersons, at the end of vote counting, after election reports have been signed by members of the polling station.In Sub-sections, results shall be proclaimed in each polling station by Polling Station Chairpersons, at the end of vote counting, after election reports have been signed by members of the polling station.In Sections, the reports from Sub-section polling stations signed by members of the polling stations shall be centralized at the Section Election Headquarters for final vote counting. The election results shall be proclaimed by the Chairperson of the Divisional Coordination Committee or his/her representative after the final result report has been signed by Chairpersons of the Sub-section polling stations concerned.In each Basic Organ, the list that obtained the highest number of valid votes cast shall be declared elected.  In the event of a tie, the list with the highest average age of candidates shall be declared elected.G- ELECTION DISPUTESPetitions shall be lodged by list leaders. They shall be submitted at the Basic Organ Election Headquarters within 24 (twenty-four) hours after the proclamation of election results.The relevant committees shall give their verdict within 48 (forty-eight) hours after submission of such petitions. Referral to and the decisions of appeal bodies shall be done within the same deadlines as those of lower bodies. The rerun of an election in a polling station ordered by a body shall take place at most 48 (forty-eight) hours following the publication of the decision. The rerun of an election thus ordered shall not warrant any prior election campaign.V- MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONSAn Election Headquarters shall be established in each Basic Organ for the coordination of election operations at the local level and constant information of militants and various liaisons. The Election Headquarters shall function round the clock in order to facilitate the normal conduct of the renewal operations.The Chairpersons of the abovementioned renewal structures shall take appropriate measures to ensure the conduct of operations for the renewal of Basic Organ Executives within the prescribed deadlines. Reports forwarded to the Central Supervisory Committee shall have as annexes election reports as well as the voter list per polling station and per Basic Organ. The Chairpersons of renewal structures of Basic Organ Executives shall be responsible, each in their own sphere, for the strict implementation of the provisions of this Memo which should be widely disseminated in English and French. 

Yaounde, 12 AUGUST 2015                                                                            Jean NKUETE
Secretary-General of the Central Committee                                                                       

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