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December 6 rendez-vous : CPDM Deposits Candidates Files

Delegated CPDM militants have deposited the files of the party’s candidates at Elecam divisional branches for onward transmission ahead of the election of regional councillors on December 6, 2020.

The road has been perilous, the challenges daunting but all is well that ends well. In strict respect of Section 164 of the Electoral Code, the Party yesterday September 22, 2020 dropped the files of its candidates at Elecam divisional branches. Thus 15 days after the convening of the electorate, the CPDM has burned the midnight oil to choose candidates that will ably represent it at the regional levels in the final phase of implementing decentralisation. In line with directives from the Paul Biya, National President and the implementation note signed by Jean Nkuété Secretary General, members of the various nomination committees have thus singled out “women, men and young people with proven political maturity, proven loyalty to the Party and its ideals, resolute defenders of the institutions and values of Republic”. When President Biya convened the electorate on September 7, 2020, it was the greenlight for CPDM militants seeking seats at regional councils to get to work – ready their files for the election. As tradition had it, the ruling party went by nomination and reports say the exercise was a success as all stakeholders joined endeavoured to maximise the party’s chances. CPDM has filed candidates in all ten regions of the country with the hope that its militants will shine through exemplary behaviour in the country’s strive to make decentralisation a reality. While waiting for December 6 2020, Elecam according to the Electoral Code will now scrutinize candidacy papers and publish the final list or lists of candidates contesting regional elections and control the preparation of election material and election documents within the deadlines laid down by law. Political parties that are in the race have 72 hours from the time list of candidates will be published to file any petition to the Constitutional Council. Even though the elections are still long way off, it is evident that the Party will lay the groundwork so that when campaigns are launched, it will put all its communication channels and strategies to woo voters.

Claudette Chin

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