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Francis Mungusi Nkushuap : All-Weather Militant

The Donga Mantung V game changer section president since joining the CPDM in 1986 has refused to be derailed.

Motivated by the charisma of the National President of the CPDM Paul Biya in 1983 when he became Cameroon’s second Head of State, Francis Mungusi has maintained a steady growth as a militant in the CPDM. The Head of State during that visit he recalls “addressed the population in English”. This was a rare quality in a rare personality. Mungusi was literally swept off his feet and he made up his mind to follow Paul Biya. He joined the CPDM that was born from the ashes of the CNU.
His first steps in the grass root executive started in 1989 when he became the section treasurer for the YCPDM Donga Mantung section. A position he handled so well, such that in 1992 he was made field secretary or the chargé de mission under late Hon. S. N. Tanfuh. This was during the Presidential elections of 1992. He maintained an upward growth trend in the party and in 1993, he became the section treasurer for YCPDM Donga Mantung division. He held this position until 1999 when he was made officer in charge of lower organs of the CPDM for Mboh West Sub Section.
In 2004, Francis Mungusi maintained his post as officer in charge of the lower organs of the CPDM for Mboh West sub section till 2007 when he was voted as a municipal councilor from Ntem village. In 2013, he was voted municipal councilor again and elected third (3rd) deputy Mayor for Nwa council.
In 2020, he was voted Municipal councilor from Ntem village in Nwa sub division.
He became section president in the just ended renewal of the basic organs of the party in 2021. Since then he has been working hand in glove with members of his team on the field to make sure the party maintains its leadership position in the section. The section President stands firm against any separatist ideology. He encourages militants of the CPDM in Nwa to stay united and build a strong nation with Paul Biya and the CPDM. He is a farmer and an owner of a two hundred hectres oil palm plantation and oil mill. He recruits and pays militants working on the farm monthly.
In his words “the CPDM has proven over the years that it stands for the advancement of the nation, poised to bring our modest contribution to this great vision of our National President we are standing solidly behind him despite the challenges to see the realization of the vision”, he insisted. Together with the WCPDM and the YCPDM presidents for Nwa they plan to rebuild the confidence of militants, and to recruit many more militants into the party in preparation of any future elections.


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