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Functions of Public Independent Conciliator : Fons, Representatives Gain Insight

The Office of the Public Independent Conciliator has enlightened Divisional representatives and House of Chiefs on the functioning of the institution for the effective relay of the information to their various communities.

The seminar dubbed an information and education seminar held on 25 July 2022 at the conference hall of the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator, OPIC.
The opening statement by the Public Independent Conciliator, Simon Fai Tamfu made it clear that they were instituted on July 8, 2021 to inform and educate individuals on who they are and to meet up with the needs per their core objectives, they had to organize educative seminars. The seminars he added are meant to share ideas on ways to partner with the promotion of human rights and prevent disputes even though their setup is to settle disputes, enforce inclusiveness, respect for diversity, and promote ethical conduct with the services they render to the public amongst others.
The seminar with the Regional Assembly councilors was organised to identify common grounds with engagement and expectations that they be informed on the organization and functioning of the Public Independent Conciliator and the role of the PIC which should lead to a collaboration as well as improve the perception of the people towards the Regional Assembly. Simon Fai Tamfu reiterated that since taking office for one year and counting, they have received 39 complaints among which 14 were written and 14 others have been treated while 5 are being scrutinised. The PIC president also reaffirmed that their doors are open to the public and plan to make other regions of Cameroon an envy to that of the North West.
The seminar with the Divisional representatives and Regional House of Chiefs, comes as a follow-up from what the PIC had with the Mayor’s and Senior Divisional Officers in January 2022 with prospects of organizing similar seminars with other institutions of the North West region.
Gwan Mbangamsig, Fon of Guzang participant at the seminar expressed need for peace to take its course since the stumbling block for all conflicts stems from human beings themselves.

Jennyhans NDE

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