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Agriculture, Youth Empowerment : France Proposes Further Support

Alongside other avenues for cooperation explored by President Emmanuel Macron during his recent visit to Cameroon, mention was made of assisting youths to attain their full potential.

How much funding will be earmarked as France’s proposed assistance to Cameroon’s agriculture has not been specified. But it stands that France would invest to boost agricultural production in Cameroon as highlighted by President Macron on his recent visit to Cameroon.
Considered as the granary of the sub region and counted among the great ecological zones of the world, Cameroon still faces problems with mechanized farming and which could be the area in which French aid would be most needed. Agriculture is vital to the economy employing a significant segment of the workforce. Though Cameroon has a great potential to meet its food demand, it still imports large quantities every year. Such problems as lack of capital, price fluctuation, poor far to market roads, lack of transformation of agricultural produce to name but these would be areas to look into once funds are being allocated.
While waiting for what will come as promised, government is already making strides, cognizant of the importance of this sector. Within the emergency plan for boosting agricultural and food production initiated in April 2008, the government has been facilitating access of producers to agricultural inputs, supporting the production of healthy and good quality plant material for strategic crops and encouraging small scale transformation.
The French President also highlighted his admiration for young Cameroonians whose excellence and talent are a pride of the country. He promised to enlarge the scope of training programmes in order to help them harness their skills.
Worth noting is the fact that over the years, the government has been focused on developing and implementing specific programmes aimed at providing concrete solutions to the major preoccupations youth face in Cameroon. These include access to both quality education and adequate professional training, participation in the day to day activities of the community as well as decision making. These important programmes and projects dedicated to their socio-economic integration.

Claudette CHIN

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