PM Dion Ngute wins prestigious award
He was crowned ‘Man of the Year’ on Friday, June 12, 2020, in Yaounde at The Guardian Post Awards; some members of government were also capped.
Paul Biya’s role in fighting covid-19
The Head of State has taken several actions to limit the spread of the disease since Coronavirus flew into Cameroon in March.
Le personnel médical «en haut»
Le chef de l’Etat a doté le Centre national des urgences en équipements de protection individuelle et d’une ambulance médicalisée devant aboutir à plus efficacité.
La cadence est soutenue
Entre le suivi de la session parlementaire au Sénat et à l’Assemblée nationale et la mobilisation totale du Parti contre le coronavirus aux côtés des pouvoirs publics, le Secrétariat est en pleine activité.
Burial of Mayor Ashu Priestly Ojong
CPDM pays last homage
Victor Mengot, Head of the Divisional Delegation of the Central Committee for Manyu was bearer of Jean Nkuété’s condolence message.
“Dear militants and compatriots, to keep coronavirus at bay, the barrier measures that include wearing masks and regularly washing hands will be the order of the day till the month of June and maybe beyond. Let’s continue respecting all measures laid down by government and WHO to preserve lives”.
Jean Nkuété, Secretary General, CPDM Central Committee.