Paul Biya félicite le RDPC
Le chef de l’Etat a salué le civisme et l’attachement à la Patrie observés lors de la participation enthousiaste et ordonnée des militants de ce parti, creuset de la tolérance, du dialogue, de la justice et de la solidarité nationale, lors du défilé au Boulevard éponyme le 20 mai dernier.
Over 50 Ministers To Chart Mining Course
From Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific countries, the ministers and other stakeholders start arriving Cameroon today to participate in the 4th edition of the Cameroon International Mining Exhibition Convention, CIMEC 2024.
National Unity Day
The Head of State Presides Colourfoul Parade
The President of the Republic, Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces oversaw the military and civilian parade that marked the celebration of the 52nd National Day, in Yaounde.