In forty years of its existence in the national political landscape,the cpdm is undoubtedly the leading and the most dominant political movement and force in our country.That leading force has been driven by first and foremost the visionary and philosophical leadership of its founding and national president,President Biya.In his leadership approach in steering the party in forty years ,the party has succeeded to achieve the leading status of the party of wisdom,the party of republican values,the party of principle,the party of humility and openness,the party of inclusion and the party of hope for millions of Cameroonians. The author of this leadership trade mark is none other than the national president of the party whose leadership qualities have shaped the party for forty years and are the best platform for the party,s future as the party celebrates its 40 years anniversary and as it prepares to participate and win the upcoming presidential and other elections.The future of the cpdm is founded on the clairvoyant vision of its national president with the Central principle being that of a democratic rally of all Cameroonians around the core values of unity,progress and democracy.