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MARCH TOWARDS 2025 : Ngie reaffirms preparedness

After braving the odds to ensure the registration of poten- tial voters, local authorities of Momo IV Section of the CPDM are confident about 2025.

nderstandably, registration is just one phase but for a ter- rain that was near impossible to penetrate due to insecurity, the authorities are encouraged that they did the needful and also their people’s collaboration is a plus. With the evolution of the whole process, the Section’s executive is working on guiding the people to do just what is right till the exercise brings the desired results in 2025. They are positive that next year’s election will be a record breaker for the victory of the CPDM in the section based on palpable real- ities on the field. To the section pres- ident, Stephen Ujambeng Andong “Ngie has been and is still a red zone in terms of security. The pockets of separatist fighters in and around Ngie yet to lay down

their weapons show their ugly heads from time to time. This is their strategy to keep the population in a state of fear. is attempt failed woefully especially during the voter registra- tion period as the people were undeterred. All our efforts to encourage our people to wake up to reality and register in order to vote in upcoming election yield fruits”, he said. Some areas were particularly difficult to access but the collaboration of the people who are tired of the sufferings inflicted on them worked for the gen- eral good, Ujambeng continued. There are reports of challenges that showed up such as the lack of identi- fication papers by eligible voter. the section President said “some of our elite who want the good of the section went the extra mile and ensure that such problems were solved

Ngie subdivision is still faced with a lot of challenges ranging from the lack of roads, portable water, hospi- tals to name but these. haven suffered from the treacherous acts of bar- barism, the frustration and deceptions of the separatists, the people are res- olute in their quest to make the right decision and their registration on the voter’s registers is their way to sanc- tion the illusion sellers. In the words of the section President, “Once bitten twice shy, our people are looking with hope”, the setion is looking forward to 2025 they plan to go with the CPDM all the way.


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