MPs Bring Succor
The Members of Parliament for Tubah-Bafut, and Bamenda-Bali Constituencies have provided relief packages to school authorities and students.
Conseil régionaux
Le Rdpc à l’épreuve de la gestion
A la tête de neuf des 10 conseils régionaux, le Parti devra tout mettre en œuvre pour mériter amplement la confiance placée en lui par des populations soucieuses de leur bien-être.
Violence in NW/SW
Queen Mothers Protest Again
The women, known as Ma’afors under the aegis of their peer Judith Yaah Sunday Achidi, General Manager of CAMTEL, last Sunday, January 24, 2021, turned out at the Commercial Avenue in Bamenda.
Chan 2021
La phase décisive commence
Les quarts de finale sont prévus le weekend prochain. Les huit pays encore en lice devront mouiller le maillot pour faire partie du carré d’as.
National Development Strategy
Urban Subsector Stakeholders Discuss Contribution
Officials of the central and devolved services of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development have pondered over ways in which they can contribute in the attainment of 2030 national development objectives.