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Paul BIYA : Present Day “Moses” of Cameroon

Dr. Elvis Mbwoge, President of North East London Subsection of the CPDM has likened Paul Biya to the biblical figure Moses, saying in 40 years, the Head of State’s achievements are outstanding.

On 6 November 2022, militants of the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement CPDM, at home and the diaspora held commemorative ceremonies in honour of the man of the New Deal. The occasion was used to outline the various milestones covered by Cameroon’s President in forty years. It was thus within this framework that Elvis Mbwoge, diehard militant and CPDM Subsection president of North East London went on the airs of Chatnite Africa, an online platform to enumerate what Paul Biya has done for his country and fellow citizens. With the question on the table being whether in forty years Biya has been an asset or a liability, Dr. Elvis was quick to defend the former.
According to the Section president, if Cameroon has weathered such storms as economic crisis, political uprisings, threat to national security, pandemics, corruption and secession to name but these, it is thanks to the skilful and god-ordained leadership of Paul Biya. To him, “Paul Biya is the Moses of Cameroon”. Bible accounts hold that Moses was sent by God to deliver the Israelites from bondage under their Egyptian taskmasters. It is this same mission which according to Dr. Elvis rests on the shoulders of the Head of State and who for the past forty years has been leading Cameroonians across the dessert in search of the Promised Land. Despite the machinations of detractors, Cameroon’s leader has succeeded in carving out a reputation that is envied not only in the sub region but the world at large. The covid-19 pandemic that crumbled most giant economies saw Cameroon sail through marvellously, beating dark forecasts. In fact, under Paul Biya, Cameroon which is still on its journey to emergence envisioned in 2035 is taking measured steps, with every sector of the society being taken into account. Be it in the health, security, education and governance domains, Paul Biya has ensured the implementation of policies that have been geared towards bettering the wellbeing of the population.
While noting that Cameroon is yet to attain the abundance stage of its development – going by the four political development stages, Dr. Elvis nonetheless admires Biya’s political savvy; who for four decades has enjoyed the confidence of his fellow compatriots, bestowed upon him through free and fair elections. Thanks to Paul Biya’s democratic rule, Dr. Elvis believes that Cameroonians need to all put hands on deck to make the country’s emergence dream a reality. On a scale of one to ten, Elvis Mbwoge says in forty years, President Biya has done more than critics give him credit because “ he has taken Cameroon from a remote democracy to a healthy one” he affirms.

Claudette CHIN

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