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La Politique Le Parti sénatoriales 2023

Senatorial Campaigns : CPDM on Marks

As March 12, date set aside for the voting exercise of new senators draws near local authorities continue preps.

As the party prepares to launch Campaigns proper for the candidates to represent the CPDM at the Senate for the next five years, section presidents on the field and other local authorities continue to enforce the National President and Head of State Paul Biya’s call for legislators to work to meet the present day exigences in a fast growing world. They have the responsibility to encourage militants and sympathizers to get registered on the voters lists so as to be ready to vote for the CPDM when the time is right.
The results are already being felt in some sections such as in the Mezam 1C section in Bamenda, North west region.
During a successful joint section conference that took place on February 18, the section President Che Ndaka Nicholas called on militants especially councilors to register and get their documents up to date and handy. According to him, “We are calling on all subsections to facilitate this exercise vigorously by identifying all militants and sympathizers to put their names on the electoral lists”, he said. “We are going to reward subsections that perform well” he promised.
In the Momo north section in Ngie the section President Stephen Ujambeng who had nurtured the desire to become Senator and whose file didn’t sail through continues to encourage militants in his section to downplay individualism and put the interest of the party top most. In his words “We are young and have to genuinely support the party. In doing this, we learn and perfect our skills and knowledge. This in my opinion is prove of maturity in militancy as preached by our National President Paul Biya”, Unjambeg insisted.
It is incumbent on the councilors to understand the missions assigned to senators and to ensure they relay it. As such vote the right persons into office.
On the overall the greater majority of municipal councilors for the 2023 senatorial elections on the CPDM ticket have the responsibility to be faithful and true to their calling as they look forward to March 12, 2023. The importance of voting for their party, the CPDM and not play the double game which will not benefit them nor the party cannot be overemphasized.


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