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Le Parti sénatoriales 2023

As Election Day Approaches : Jean Nkuété Prescribes Vigilance, Rigour and Tact

The Secretary General of the Central Committee also President of the National Campaign Committee is in the West region to galvanise campaign teams and caution electors ahead of the 12 March rendez-vous.

The Secretary General of the Central Committee made the first stop of his working visit in Douala, Littoral region on 9 March, where he met and discussed with members of the regional campaign teams, candidates and regional and municipal councillors, at the Bonanjo Party house. It was an occasion for the SG to encourage these important actors in the Senatorial election for their varied and efficient actions on the ground to secure the loyalty of electors and conquer the adversary. He lauded the ingenuity of campaign teams thus far, as their efforts are all geared towards the victory of the CPDM at the dusk of 12 March 2023. While acknowledging that he was preaching to the converted, he nonetheless stressed on the vigilance of all, given that the CPDM is up against the PCRN.
The challenges faced by the CPDM in this part of the country are very well known by the regional Campaign committee lead by Minister Laurent Esso. This explains why from the outset of campaigns launched last 25 February 2023, the various divisional and council campaign teams have been rolling out their strategies to not only maintain the loyalty of CPDM councillors but also win over those of the opposing camp. While calling on all to be more than ever watchful in these last days, the SG encouraged the electors to massively vote CPDM lists, as it would be their act of saying yes to decentralisation that would catalyse the development of regions as well as the continuation of work done by Paul Biya, President of the Republic.
Meanwhile, Grégoire Owona, Deputy SG of the Central Committee was in Ngoundere, Adamawa region where the stakes are quite high with the NUDP being a major threat. Amongst others, Grégoire Owona appealed on the electors to let no vote slip and for the CPDM to be victorious when ballots are counted.
After the West region where the CPDM is contesting against the UMS, UDC and SDF and where the campaign teams have not left anything to chance, Jean Nkuété returns to Yaounde where René Emmanuel Sadi has been combing the various divisions with the same message, massively vote CPDM lists for a resounding victory come 12 March.

Claudette CHIN

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