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2025 ELECTIONS : CPDM Lays Groundwork :

Cognizant that elections are not won in a day, the CPDM is making hay while it shines in a bid to stay on top of its game.

As much as it is challenging to attain the summit of one’s quest, it is even more daunting to maintain that position. The CPDM occupies the top rung of the political ladder, having tackled many opposition parties over the years, with tact and succeeded to keep this prized position. What looks like an effortless achievement has more to it than meets the eyes. As it is, militants of the CPDM Party leave nothing to chance and that is why elections, be they municipal, regional, senatorial and presidential are accorded all the importance and strategies derived to win over the electorate for a favourable outcome.
Last March 24, militants of the 375 sections at home and abroad used the Party’s 38th anniversary to celebrate CPDM’s victory at the Senatorial elections, sweeping all seventy elective seats in the ten regions. A well-deserved victory all thanks to CPDM’s deployment on the ground before the convening of the electorate and during the campaigns leading up to election day. And it was in celebration that speakers at the events organized in various localities called on militants not to lie on their laurels as greater stakes lie ahead. The presidential election of 2025 is no secret and if militants want to see their champion win in flying colours, there is no room for procrastination. It is time to intensify the registration of new voters on Elecam lists. Section Presidents, heads of CPDM Permanent Delegations and other CPDM elite beckoned on their comrades to bury any existing hatchets and face the future in unity. Noting that a house divided on itself cannot stand, the occasion was used to galvanise the troops in time to avoid the intrusion of those of the opposite camps.
As the CPDM continues to organize activities on the field to keep the torch ever bright, it is evident that the party that is renowned for mobilizing is doing just that, inculcating the militants with its ideologies and bringing them up to speed with their responsibilities and obligations. The CPDM is out to maintain its place reason why there is no room for laxity. As the Party’s hierarchy cautions militants to stay vigilant, it intends to play its cards well as the primary goal of every political party is to win elections and winning the presidential election of 2025 is the Party’s next big quest.

Claudette CHIN

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