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Parliament : June Session Opens Tomorrow

Members of the Senate and the National Assembly will on 8 June 2023 take part in opening sessions that will be presided at by the presidents of the two chambers, Niat Njifenji and Cavaye Yeguié Djibril respectively.

Following the convening of the second ordinary session of parliament last 22 May, MPs have converged on Yaounde, after about two months of parliamentary recess. The session will focus amongst others on the scrutiny and adoption of bills tabled in parliament, evaluation of government action and the discussions during the Budgetary Orientation Debate.
Parliamentary networks may also carry out some activities.
The opening of this ordinary session will take place at a time when the government is engaged in the fight against hate speech, xenophobia and tribalism. Faced with these scourges, some believe that it is appropriate to strengthen the legal framework, which is the responsibility of the Parliament and the government.
It equally comes halfway through the execution of the State budget voted in November 2022 and which witnessed an increase following the decree signed by President Paul Biya last June 2 to modify the 2023 Finance Act. Per this amendment, the state budget has been raised from CFA6,345.1 billion to CFA6,726.9 billion, up CFA381.8 billion (the general budget is up by CFA367.7 billion, while the budget for special appropriation accounts is up by CFA14.1 billion).
Accordingly, part of the extra amount will be used to cover debt and the other part will be for welfare projects, especially since the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been pressuring the country to reduce fuel subsidies as “they benefit better-off social groups more”. The reduction of fuel subsidies has led to a sharp increase in pump prices and a rise in inflation and the government has therefore resorted to other measures to curb the shock. These include the improvement of the minimum wage and the remuneration of state employees.
Expected at the opening plenary are the Prime Minister – Head of Government Joseph Dion Ngute, Cabinet Ministers, Members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to Yaoundé, and other dignitaries.

Claudette CHIN

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