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NWA : A Full-Scale Massive Voter Registration on Course

Local authorities of the CPDM in the Ndonga Mantung V section are combing all nooks and crannies of the section to fish out militants and potential electors for the CPDM.

If the saying that he that waters will also be watered is anything to go by, then CPDM local authorities in Nwa are making a stitch in time to save nine. A deliberate strategy to register as many voters who will vote for the CPDM when the time comes is ongoing in the section. Local authorities in Nwa are very intentional and constant in their pursuit of bring in militants and potential voter to register on the voter’s lists. It can be said of militants of this section that they know no season and that militancy for them is a life style.
Francis Mungusi Nkushuap, Section president, is leaving no stone unturned to bring everyone on board. According to him, “In the later part of 2023 we had three sub section conferences and a Section conference which recorded a massive attendance. The results were forwarded to the permanent divisional delegation of the CPDM in Nwa. Our section is doing well to say the least”, he noted.
Nwa is doing all to put the recommendation of the Secretary General’s circular of January 10 to practice. The commitment of local authorities in this section to keep up the CPDM’s steam is commendable. As the party looks forward to celebrate its anniversary come March 24 2024, some 50 militants who hadn’t birth certificates and identity cards are freely being provided these generously by Abdoulaye Labaram; an elite from Sabongari and a militant of the CPDM. It is expected that by the day of the celebration, these beneficiaries should already be registered
The proximity of the section president to presidents of subsections, branches and Cells, is an added advantage that avails him the possibility to get first hand information about the functioning of the sub sections, branches and cells. As early as January 2024, the section organized a meeting in Likop. According to Francis Mungusi, “We invited the general public to sensitize them on the necessity to register on the voter’s registers. On the spot in Likop that day, we registered thirty (30) voters”, he said. As to how the section relates with Elecam, the section president said “We work hand in glove with Elecam. Each time we have a public manifestation, they come and register voters”, he revealed.
As a field-based militant, he has deciphered the problems that must be tackled in the section. In the days ahead he will visit sub sections to engage militants on the registration process.


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