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CPDM : Remain Devt Catalyst!

In order to obtain durable dynamism, the CPDM Secretary General Jean Nkuété has called on local authorities of the Party to take up the bull of development by the horns.

The realisation of National development is one of the main articulations the Secretary General delved on during his working visit to the East Region in Bertoua on August 26. He reminded militants in Bertoua that development is a major aspect in the National President of the CPDM, Paul Biya’s Vision for an emerging Cameroon. The militants must know this and work for the success of this vision as the CPDM as a party has the task of enforcing it. He called on militants and party authorities of the CPDM over the board to love and cherish the nation of Cameroon by loving one another. Peace is undoubtedly the springboard to any meaningful development and love brings peace. The Head of State has always said that Cameroon if for every Cameroonian and everywhere in Cameroon is home for every Cameroonian. Authorities of the CPDM and militants should make the development of the country their top most priority. In the words of the Secretary General, “The CPDM will remain the heartbeat of Cameroonians by their development strength that will undoubtedly testify of the love of the CPDM for Cameroon”, he said.
Reminding militants of the moto of the party, which is Unity, Progress and Democracy the Secretary General said the peace unity and democracy in the party are qualities that are so interwoven that none can go without the other.
The CPDM more than ever has the role of to take the initiative to set the economic pace at the local level in order to contribute in the production of riches.
He called for all to wake up and develop in militants the reflex of annually contributing for the party in that there is no militancy without prove. A good prove of militancy is for militants to be up to date with their contributions.
He called on the local authorities to take their work seriously on the fields given that the expectation of the party in the success of their mission on the field are very high. He discussed other things that authorities of the party need to bring in to ensure the party obtains the desired results.


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