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After U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit : New Wishes Hit Table

The summit that took place from December 13-15, 2023 in Washington DC, highlighted the United State’s desire to expanding and deepening partnership with African countries, institutions, and people.

Did the US avail itself of the opportunity to revitalize and expand partnership to better meet shared challenges with Africa? Yes it did. What did Africa in general and Cameroon in particular take home from the get together? Definitely all wasn’t just talk and handshakes. New initiatives that will empower African institutions and citizens were announced. The US reaffirmed its resolve to work collaboratively with African governments, businesses, and publics to strengthen people-to-people ties, ensure more inclusive and responsive global institutions, build a strong and sustainable global economy, foster new technology and innovation, strengthen health systems, tackle the food security and climate crises, support democracy and human rights and advance peace and security.
With regard to agriculture, Africa with its 60 percent of the world’s unused arable farm land could play a central role in addressing global food insecurity if its enormous potential was tapped. As a source of millions of jobs and livelihoods across the continent including among youth and women, the U.S.-Africa strategic partnership should address both short-term and longer-term priorities as the U.S. committed to leveraging its unique convening power to bring together the private sector and international financial institutions to address underinvestment.
Regarding trade, investment and inclusive economic growth, Biden highlighted his Administration is working closely with Congress to lend up to $21 billion through the International Monetary Fund for low and middle-income countries, which will support African’s resilience and recovery efforts.
In the domain of innovation and technology, a new initiative to expand digital access and literacy across the continent was launched. It intends to invest over $350 million and facilitate over $450 million in financing for Africa, in line with the African Union’s Digital Transformation Strategy.
In matters of peace and security, Cameroon stands to gain from the 21st Century Partnership for African Security as the investment will bolster efforts to implement and sustain security sector capacity and reforms. Building more resilient health systems is of the essence and to close the gap of health workers and professionals in the country, Cameroon will no doubt benefit from the package to be set aside for the purpose.

Claudette CHIN

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